Neerland's volksleven in den zomer
Other title(s): Zomerfilm
Groot nationaal en folkloristisch filmwerk in vier afdeelingen met een voor - en naspel
Working-class life in the Netherlands in the summer
Year: 1923
Description: An impression of Dutch folk culture in the summer, with a focus on the flower culture and the traditional festivities such as King’s Day and Bronk Day.
Keywords: 8 september 1928 / 27 augustus 1923 / Gronsveld / Eijsden / Aalsmeer / Asselt / Nederland / Boskoop / veilingen / schietsport / kwekerijen / processies
Provider: EYE Filmmuseum (The Netherlands)
Rights: In Copyright
Production company: Filmfabriek Pannevis & Co (Nederland)
Director: D.J. van der Ven
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